Tuesday, September 8, 2009


I am just beginning the heavy travel season again with a trip to Seattle for a pre-conference planning meeting. Here is the requisite photo from the hotel room window:

I have never been to the area before and I must say that my midwestern sensibilities are rather struck by the ...um... hippies.

I went down Pike Street to the market where I found a darling little book store. At least I thought it was darling until I saw the selection of books. There was an entire section for extreme feminist writing. One for sexuality. The people behind the counter were all face-pierced and the one other customer in the store was dreadlocked. It was not attractive. I looked for a section on local authors but was turned off before I found anything.

I did find the fish-throwing place. Wait, there must be a video somewhere...

There was quite a crowd when I went by. Then I picked up Jimmy John's and went back to my room to do my homework. I had to turn the heat on.

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