Saturday, January 16, 2010

Donating to Aid in a Disaster

The Chicago Tribune published an article by Jon Yates regarding charitable donations in the event of an emergency, like we are seeing in Haiti.  It was a warning about the people trying to cash in on the generosity of those trying to help.  "Look before you leap" was the main idea..  Yates says:

"There seem to be more and more every time there is a disaster," said Steve Bernas, president of the Better Business Bureau in Chicago. "Americans are very generous, and these scam artists come out of the woodwork."

I am fairly certain there is a deeper circle of hell for criminals that rob the good samaritans who are trying to help those in need. 

Personally, I stick with the Red Cross for my donations.  They have been around forever and the last time I remember a scandal regarding their use of funds - it was after Sepetember 11 - I was actually on their side.

My friend Jodi posted her suggestions on Facebook.  I have not personally vetted these, but if you would like someplace else to look:

Four ways to help Haiti: 1). Partners in Health (; 2). Doctors Without Borders (; 3). Yele Haiti ( or text "Yele" to 501501 to make a $5 donation); 4). State Department (text "Haiti" to 90999 to make a $10 donation).

I am digging the text donations - that was a great idea for reaching out to a different audience for contributions to the effort. 

So please give what you can - and give wisely.

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