Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Online Job Searches

Career advice is everywhere lately and you don't really need more from me. However.

Rachel from I Hate HR blogged a bit about her pet peeves from online applications. The big one was using someone else's e-mail address. So. True. If you are looking for a job, the first thing you should do is get a personal e-mail address that is not cutesy or profane or kitschy or otherwise lame. Or belonging to a spouse or roommate.

HR professionals are all different in what impresses or irritates. For example, Rachel doesn't want anyone to send her a cover letter without a résumé. I do not want anyone to send me a résumé without a cover letter. For what position are you applying and who or what referred you to me? And personally, I prefer that cover letter be in the body of the e-mail, as opposed to an attachment. If your résumé is an attachment, I have to open two documents. For a hundred or so applicants. But nevermind that.

Just get a respectable e-mail address.

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