Monday, November 30, 2009

Reflecting on the Allergy Shots

So.  For the past 18 months, I have been getting allergy shots.  Every single week.  Just when I was getting to the point of "OMG I am so sick of this, I am going to quit", I had an appointment with my allergist and he told me that I was really close to maxing out the dosage and moving into Phase 2.  It took longer than usual because:

  1. My awesome immune system changed its mind about which types of mold make it mad.  I had to start over.
  2. During the Great Mold Infestation of 2009, I started reacting to the weekly shots and was held back on the dosages.
Phase two is "maintenance".  I stay at this dosage and only go in for shots every other week.  I have dropped one of the three daily prescriptions I'd been taking.  BCBS will be happy to hear both of these things.  I am happy that I can start sleeping late on Saturdays.  Some Saturdays.

In my doctor's office, all of the kids get their shots on Saturdays.  So if I don't get there by 8:30, right when the doors open, the office is packed.  To get to Highland Park by 8:30, I have to be out the door shortly after 8am.  In order to be up and dressed with contacts in and teeth give Kiwi her fresh food and water and medicine (next recheck 12/18)....Well.  I get perhaps an extra hour of sleep over the average day in a workweek.  This is not the purpose of a Saturday.  Of course, taking quizzes is not the purpose of a Saturday, either.

OK, now I'm just complaining.  Weren't we talking about shopping?

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