Friday, April 30, 2010

The Cupcake Craze

I dig a good cupcake as much as the next girl, but I was rather stunned last week in DC when I heard my colleague, Marsha saying that "the cupcake guy promised he'd make us his first stop after the scheduled deliveries".

"You know the cupcake guy?" I asked.
"No, he posts on Facebook."

Curbside Cupcakes is the company we are talking about here.  They take their pink van around town, park it somewhere, and a line forms until they run out of cupcakes.   No kidding, people.  I got the word he was there, went downstairs to see what all the fuss was about, and he had already run out.  It was not 10 minutes.  I am pretty sure I once read there was a "cupcake factor" involved in measuring the progress of the economic recovery.  But I don't remember if it was "more cupcakes = small luxury to make us happy when we have no money" or "more cupcake = we are spending our money on dumb things because we have it again".

It seems that Cinnabon has also started making cupcakes.  I first saw it at the airport on the way home.  I think that is a great idea for them - get a bit further outside the breakfast model.   So the next time I was in a shopping mall, I grabbed one.  Unfortunately, I was not impressed.  It might have been that it didn't taste entirely fresh.  Also, I think they might have used the cinnamon roll frosting on the vanilla cupcake.  Didn't taste quite right in its solid (as in non-melty) form.

Now I am all jonesing for a decent cupcake.   I should probably just stick with Deerfield's.

1 comment:

Fluffycat said...

I saw the cupcakes at Cinnabon, glad I didn't bother. I saw them making those cinnabons once and it involved a lot of butter, and even me who likes desserts was a bit grossed out.