Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Praying for the Non Believers

You might know Christopher Hitchens as the author of God is Not Great.  I know him as an extremely literate, if rather mouthy, columnist at Vanity Fair magazine.  I haven't read his books, but I enjoy his columns and was sorry to hear that he is battling cancer.  One can't call it a "bright side", but he is doing some really great and thoughtful work right now.  He has begun a series in the magazine called "Topic of Cancer". 

You all know I have back issues of Vanity Fair hanging around my house everywhere.  Half-read.  And I refuse to throw them away.  I finsihed September's not long ago, which is where I read that first article.  The second, in the October issue (the one with Lohan on the cover), was absolutely fabulous.

Hitchens is an atheist, and the article is about the messages he has received and conversations he has had, since his diagnosis, regarding faith and salvation.  There are the horrid trolls on the Internet that say he is getting what he deserves and there are others that are praying for either his health or his salvation or both.  His observations are priceless and he ends the article by saying:

"please do not trouble deaf heaven with your bootless cries. Unless, of course, it makes you feel better."

Agreed.  However, I will take the opportunity to offer Mr. Hitchens my best wishes on a full and speedy recovery.

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