Monday, September 13, 2010

Being Grateful Again

I don't really think I am going to be able to keep up this theme, but I had two today:

First, I am grateful that I don't really need an alarm clock.  I can count on one hand the number of times I have required the alarm to wake me up to go to work (and not to talk about gaming again, but a non-zero number of those times were due to mid-week solo sessions with Noah).  But I woke up at 5:33 this morning when the alarm was set for 5:30.  How long has it been broken?  I haven't the slightest idea.  But someone, please remind me to buy a new one when I get home.  Just in case.

Second, I had dinner with RetiredBoss and his lovely wife tonight.  That was the only thing that made me remotely want to get on an airplane this morning.  So I walked over to Gallery Place after work to meet them at the ChopHouse.  First time since last spring that it wasn't so hot and humid that one couldn't reasonably walk that far.  We had a great meal and caught up.  (Retirees love to hear the old workplace gossip and I can always use a fresh audience.)  Walking back, it was all DC at Night - like the postcards.  I only snapped this one little pic, in the spirit of Things I Never Really Noticed Before: a memorial for the Army of the Republic founded in 1866 in Decatur, IL.  It is in Indiana Plaza.

So while crossing the Mall I catch a look at the Air and Space Museum.  It was closed, but the lights were on so you can see inside.  You can't really see inside during the day with the dark glass.  It is pretty damn cool.  Right that second, I saw a flash of light behind me.  Camera flash.  Tourist taking a picture of the Capitol.  And I had a little moment.  I do still love this city.  People, I could have cried. 

So thanks, Dave.  For driving an hour in DC traffic (two round trip) so that I could have the best night I've had in DC in I don't know how long.

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