Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Architects of Change

In one of the many, many articles about the separation of the Schwarzeneggers, there was mention of the website Maria Shriver launched to talk about things that matter to her.  I hadn't heard of it before, so I clicked over.  Links to her books, links to her causes, links to her social media avenues.  And the blog.

It isn't just Shriver writing, but she authored a recent entry about the Situation Room Photo.  You know the one.  I remember when I saw the shot, my first thought was:

That's not what the Situation Room looked like on The West Wing.

And my second thought was:

Isn't is it cool that the President isn't the Center of the Universe here?  

Shriver posted her thoughts on that.

I like her.  I realize that she is a public person and we're all going to speculate about what happened in her marriage.  But while I am doing that, I think I will also read her blog.

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