Sunday, September 12, 2010

Historic Landmarks - The Grove

Weekend Assignment #335: History
We don't all live near the site of a battlefield or other world-famous event, but any place has its own history: political, cultural, even natural history. How aware are you of the past of the town, city or state where you live now? Share with us a story of local history.

Extra Credit: Have you ever participated personally in an historic event? (This doesn't have to be anything earth-shattering.)

Off the top of my head..I can tell you that Glenview was founded in 1890, but our landmark dates back a bit further.  Our park district still maintains the estate of "one of its most famous sons" Robert Kennicott.  He was a (oh, hell.  Now I have to go look this up) naturalist and explorer.  The Grove is part history museum and part nature preserve and our school classes would visit about once a year for one reason or another.  Sometimes it was about pioneer history - churning the butter and that kind of thing.  Sometimes it was about the nature trails and native plants and insects.

The Grove also has events around the holidays.  I seem to recall a craft fair/fundraiser.  And maybe sleigh rides?  Geez, I should really pay more attention.

I can't think of a "historic event" in which I have participated.  You know, other than voting. 

Oh.  I was at recess, across the street at the middle school, when a scene from Ferris Bueller was being filmed.  Where Ferris is picking up Sloane at school in Cameron's dad's car.  Watched the whole thing.


Sandrine said...

The Grove sounds fantastic. That's the kind of thing we really miss here in Ankara - the kids only ever do school trips to one or two museums... Although we do have our own historical/nature park in Cappadocia I suppose! As to the Ferris B. Wow!

Karen Funk Blocher said...

The Grove sounds like someplace I'd love to visit - but I have to admit that watching the filming of a key scene from Ferris Bueller would be even more exciting!

Anonymous said...

Hey! I was at Maple School with you, watching the filming of Ferris Bueller!

Kris Dahlberg

Stephen Watkins said...

Hey, that's a pretty cool historical moment! A little slice of film history!