Friday, May 21, 2010

30 Day TV Meme - Day 04

Day 04 - Your favorite show ever

One?  Seriously?  I don't think so.

Let's say I don't count sports.  My favorite show to have randomly in the background anytime of anyday, whatever my mood, is M*A*S*H.  Don't tell my dad, or he will gloat.  The show I have watched most consistently in real time for the last 15 years is WGN Morning News.  Except for my short love affair with Zoboomafoo.

I had a childhood obsession with Dallas, which I am sure we will get to later.  I might have had to call it The One, except that I really bailed out the last few years.  And I didn't even know about it the last time there was a supplemental TV movie.

So for the All-Time favorite, I have to go with The West Wing.  It had heroes being heroic.  It had heroes being dumb.  It had heroes being smart and funny and sometimes even mean.  It had Martin Sheen as President of the United States.  It redeemed Rob Lowe.

And OMG the dialogue.  This was the first show I ever recorded while I watched because the dialogue was so snappy that it often required a second run to catch all the goodness.  It was also the first television show that ever made me cry from the happy.  (Except when Duke Lavery came back from the dead on General Hospital.  But I was in junior high!)

It's not that they never had an off show.  But The West Wing was for the Believers.  Those of us that could envision the way that Washington might be.  Not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but bright and honest and hopeful and sincere.

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