Wednesday, May 26, 2010

It's Official: My Car is Old

To be specific, she is seven years and two months old.   She is starting to hassle me.  A few weeks ago, I had her brake roters replaced.  It was something of a triumph because I thought I felt something funny while braking, I was pretty sure I knew what it was and I picked the right time to stop fooling around and take her in.  It cost a few hundred dollars, and seemed like a perfectly appropriate expense for a car her age. 

Last week, my Service Engine light went on.  I had no idea what the problem was.  I saw nothing, heard nothing, felt nothing.  I rushed her to the garage.  The next morning, they plugged her in and checked her little microchip.  She said that she needed a new gas cap.  Seriously.

This past week, the ignition has been locking up.  I sat sweltering in the car for several minutes with a colleague that I was taking to the airport trying to get it to work.  Something similar happened a year or so ago, and the solution was to start using the spare key.

I really should have made a new spare key.

It's ok, though.  Apparently the dealer can make me a new one from scratch.  Or six.  I just have to take in my registration and prove my identity.

Here's what's funny.  You'd think with a seven year old car acting up, I would start thinking about changing the time table - getting a new car sooner rather than later.  But it turns out, I am more attached to this car than I was when she was brand new.  When I sniffled all the way home because I had left my Blazer behind. 

I love my old car.


Fluffycat said...

My car is 8 years old and I'm still very happy with it. I did have to get the brakes replaced and two new tires a while back, and I feel like I could go a lot farther with it.

Unknown said...

I can feel how much attached you are with your car. But, you should weigh your options as well. If it's been causing you trouble lately, maybe it's time you find something new. Choose what's more convenient. I'm sure you'll be able to make new memories with a new car.

-Prince Moss @ LexusOfAnnarbor