Wednesday, May 26, 2010

30 Day TV Meme - Day 09

Day 09 - Best scene ever

I can think of a few that I will watch over and over again. Darth_kittius blogged about The Cosby Show the other day, which reminded me that I really love the grandparents' anniversary - and when they all get up to lip sync is a great, great scene.

There is a scene in Season 4 of M*A*S*H when Radar gifts Colonel Potter with a rescued horse.  Loved that.  There was the part of the musical ep on Buffy the Vampire Slayer when Spike sings.  Swoon.  But I was having a hard time coming up with a new one to discuss, so I took a look at my DVD collection and it jumped right out at me:

The best scene of any show I have ever seen on television was Linus' speech in A Charlie Brown Christmas.  I know you have all heard this story before, but the point stands:

Before my brother Scott was married, he went to school and did the stuff to become a Catholic.  Late one night, he came into my bedroom with a scowl on his face.  He pointed to the open Bible in his hand and declared, "This is not what Linus said."  I knew instantly what he was talking about.  I looked at the book and said that he was reading the wrong Bible - he should go find the King James version.  He did so, and felt much better.  Then he asked how a heathen like me would know such a thing.

Because I am literate. 

Anyway.  It crushed Scott's little heart that Linus might have misquoted, because that scene was so big a deal.  It is the moment of clarity designed to make us all shut up and think for one minute during the silly season.  And made all the more poignant coming from the philosopher that carries around a stupid blanket.

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